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Release 3.6.1

Momo the Monster


This release exposes additional TextMesh Pro components and other useful properties to Udon.

New features

  • Exposed three new TextMeshPro components to Udon.
  • Added two properties to BaseVRCVideoPlayer and exposed them to Udon.
    • int VideoWidth { get; }
    • int VideoHeight { get; }
    • These are also available in the subclasses VRCUnityVideoPlayer and VRCAVProVideoPlayer.
  • Added five voice-related getter methods to VRCPlayerApi and exposed them to Udon.
    • float GetVoiceGain()
    • float GetVoiceDistanceNear()
    • float GetVoiceDistanceFar()
    • float GetVoiceVolumetricRadius()
    • bool GetVoiceLowpass()


  • Worlds with vastly more renderers than materials will now build faster.
  • Fixed a performance bottleneck when validating avatars after a local test build, especially when multiple avatars are present in the scene.
  • Fixed some issues where the Network ID Utility could get confused about duplicate GameObject paths.
    • Note that it still is not recommended or fully supported to have networked objects share the same hierarchy paths!
  • Fixed a missing reference error locking up the build panel if an audio clip was deleted or missing from an VRC_AnimatorPlayAudio state behaviour on the avatar.

Changes between 3.6.1-beta.2 and final release

  • Udon can now access the three new TextMeshPro components directly.
    • Only the properties listed in VRChat's documentation have been exposed.
    • The previously new VRC_TMP wrapper components have been removed.
  • ClientSim: Udon behaviours instantiated via other Udon scripts will now initialize right away and have variables and functions ready.

Known Issues

  • The first time you open a Scene and select a GameObject inside a prefab with a U# Behaviour, the GUI for the component directly below that U# Behaviour will not show its GUI. Deselecting and re-selecting the prefab fixes this.
  • Buffer Particles don't work as they did in Unity 2019, there is a workaround to fix them from community member hfcRed here.
  • Unity 2022 sometimes causes Rider's debugger to stop for unhandled exceptions in Unity's IMGUI.