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Release 3.6.2 Beta 2

Momo the Monster


This update adds AI Navigation, improves Avatar editor panels, implements new Player State APIs, fixes input events in ClientSim, and fixes World uploads failing when using inline sprites.

New features

  • This release integrates Unity 2022's AI Navigation package, which allows you to create non-player characters (NPCs) that can intelligently move around the game world, using navigation meshes that are created automatically from your Scene geometry.
  • Some Avatar editor panels have been updated:
    • The Expression Parameters and Expressions Menu editors have been rebuilt from the ground up.
    • The updated Expression Parameters editor:
      • Allows you to reorder elements via drag & drop easily
      • Uses a progress bar style meter to indicate how many synced bytes the parameters use
      • The Expression Parameters assets now have a new icon, making them easier to see in your Assets folder
    • The updated Expressions Menu editor:
      • Shows the current Menu Controls count alongside the maximum number of Controls you can add
      • Shows the types of each Control at-a-glance
      • Allows you to reorder the Controls via drag & drop easily
      • Has improved and updated warnings and errors
      • Has improved layout for editing all the Control types
      • For Sub-Menu Controls - allows for quick creation of a new Menu asset and provides a button to open the editor for the submenu with a single click
      • The Expressions Menu assets now have a new icon, so they're easier to see in your Assets folder
  • The VRC Scene Descriptor now shows a gizmo in your scene for each spawn defined in the spawns list.
  • The SDK now blocks uploads if the last built avatar exceeds the new reduced download or uncompressed size limits for Avatars.
  • Implemented some new player state APIs available via Udon:


  • Fixed issue with broken input events in ClientSim, addressing this Canny issue.
  • Fixed world uploads failing in some cases when using inline sprites in TextMeshPro labels.

Fixes between 3.6.2-beta.1 and 3.6.2-beta.2

  • Improved stability of the new editor panels.
  • Fixed avatar expression menu missing expression parameters between SDK upgrades and restarts.

Known Issues

  • The first time you open a Scene and select a GameObject inside a prefab with a U# Behaviour, the GUI for the component directly below that U# Behaviour will not show its GUI. Deselecting and re-selecting the prefab fixes this.
  • Buffer Particles don't work as they did in Unity 2019, there is a workaround to fix them from community member hfcRed here.
  • Unity 2022 sometimes causes Rider's debugger to stop for unhandled exceptions in Unity's IMGUI.