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Player Forces

Here are the nodes relating to forces that act on Players. For nodes that deal with Player positions, see Player Positions

Local player only

Only use these nodes for the local player. They can't be used for remote players.

GetWalkSpeed / SetWalkSpeed

float, working range around 0-5

The speed at which a Player can walk around your world. Set this below your Run Speed. Default is 2.

GetRunSpeed / SetRunSpeed

float, working range around 0-10

The speed at which a Player can run around your world. Set this above your Walk Speed. Default is 4.

GetStrafeSpeed / SetStrafeSpeed

float, working range around 0-5

The speed at which a Player can move sideways through your world. Recommended to be set to the same as Walk Speed. Not affected by running. Default is 2.

GetJumpImpulse / SetJumpImpulse

float, working range around 0-10

How much force applied when a player jumps. Default is 0, so set this if you want to enable jump in your world. The default VRCWorld prefab sets this to 3.

GetGravityStrength / SetGravityStrength

float, working range around 0-10

Multiplier for the Gravity force of the world (set to Earth's default). Don't change Unity's Physics.Gravity in your project, get and set it here instead. Default is 1.



Set to true to keep a Player stuck in place, turning off their Locomotion. Note that VR Players may be able to move their viewpoint around a bit anyways, but their Avatar will stay in place.