Submit an application if you want to join the Creator Economy!
The page below is only relevant to sellers with access to VRChat's Creator Economy.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about VRChat's Creator Economy.
If your question isn't listed here, please let us know by clicking the "Feedback" button in the bottom right.
General Information
What's the Creator Economy?
The Creator Economy allows you to earn VRChat Credits by setting listings, subscriptions and stores. You can spend Credits in VRChat, or request a payout via PayPal.
How do I get started?
Apply to join the the CE if you're not already an approved seller.
You need to get started with Tilia before you can create listings, subscriptions, products, or stores.
Payment Processing
What are VRChat Credits?
VRChat Credits () are VRChat's currency for the Creator Economy. They are similar to premium currencies found in other video games.
Users can purchase VRChat Credits and spend them on creators.
Creators can pay out their earnings for real money!
What’s the conversion of VRChat Credits to USD?
When you request a payout, your earned VRChat credits are paid out at the following rate:
1 ≈ 0.005 US$
211 ≈ 1.05 US$
In other words, if your listing costs 1200 (≈10 US$), your earned payout is approximately 5 US$.
Please refer to the Creator Economy Program Rules and the payout documentation to learn more.
What's the revenue split?
After VRChat Credits have been purchased, spent, and cashed out, ...
- Approximately 50% went to the seller.
- Approximately 30% went to the platform (Steam or Meta).
- Approximately 20% went to VRChat and Tilia.
The exact revenue split depends on how VRChat Credits flow through the Creator Economy. For additional details, read about our Payout Split.
What's Tilia?
Tilia is VRChat's business partner for Creator Economy. They are a payment platform for accounts, wallets, payments, invoices, and payouts. As a VRChat seller, you'll be interacting with Tilia, too.
Is the Creator Economy available globally?
Yes. Any creator with access to the Creator Economy can earn VRChat Credits. Please refer to our Creator Economy Program Rules for more information.
However, to request a successful payout, you must be in a region that does supports receiving payouts via PayPal.
How do payouts work?
VRChat Credits eligible for payout (i.e., ones you have not purchased yourself) can be paid out once per day on the VRChat website. A minimum of 30,000 VRChat Credits are required to complete a payout, converting to about $150 USD. Learn more in the payout documentation.
What payment methods are available?
VRChat credits are purchased through your platform's payment system. They're available on Steam, Meta, or wherever else you play VRChat!
Please note that VRChat Plus and VRChat Credits are not yet available on all platforms. Please send us feedback if there's a platform you'd like us to support!
What payout methods are available?
Tilia currently supports payouts to PayPal. Additional payout methods may become available in the future. If you're a seller, tell us on Canny what payout methods you would like to see!
How long does it take Tilia to process payouts?
Payout requests are processed within five business days - usually fewer.
Why did my payout get rejected?
If your payout got rejected, it's usually for one of the following reasons:
- Your name on PayPal does not match your name on Tilia. Ensure that you entered your name correctly.
- PayPal does not support sending payouts to your country. Check your country in PayPal's documentation.
How do subscription refunds work?
If a user requests a refund, credits will be refunded for any remaining months, excluding the current one. For example, if the user has 3 months remaining, including the current month, and requests a refund, they will be refunded for 2 months of credits.
Creator Economy SDK
What's the Creator Economy SDK?
The Creator Economy SDK allows VRChat worlds to react to users who supported you. Once the Creator Economy is publicly available, it will be part of the regular VRChat SDK.
What can world creators do with the Creator Economy SDK?
- Create Udon products on VRChat.com and link them to Udon products in your world.
- Unlock exclusive areas, items, or features.
- Open your store directly, making it easy for customers to support you.
- Create a list displaying the names of all your supporters.
- And more!
Visit the Creator Economy SDK documentation to get started!
Can I use Udon products from another world creator?
No. You must be the world owner to use an Udon product.
You can open another creator's store, group, or listing with the SDK.
What aspects of my World is the Creator Economy SDK allowed to control?
Use the Creator Economy SDK to reward users for supporting you. Don't abuse it!
- Remember to keep users safe. If a user doesn't support you, don't make them physically uncomfortable.
- Avoid confusing users. Give users clear information about exclusive features.
- Refer to our guidelines for more information.
Am I allowed to make changes to my listings and subscriptions?
Yes. You may change listings, subscriptions, and the products they contain. Depending on your content, users may expect different types of changes, additions, or removals. This helps you support your existing customers and improve your content.
However, don't "bait-and-switch" users by taking away their purchases unexpectedly. Don't deceive users.
Do users have to be part of my group to buy a subscription?
Yes, but you can allow users to join your group by enabling the Enable Free Join for Subscribers setting in your subscription role settings.
Users can leave your group after buying a subscription. They lose access to their subscription role, but keep all products until the subscription expires.
Can I split my earnings with another creator?
There is currently no split pay functionality. The Payout process is only available to the seller.
Can a listing be free?
No, not at this time. However, for testing, sellers can purchase their own listings for free in VRChat.
Where can I provide feedback?
VRChat uses Canny for our community feedback and bug reports. Feel free to post on the Creator Economy section of our feedback page.
If a creator deletes a product, will that automatically update/delete any listings that contain that product?
Creators cannot delete products that are have any owners or active subscribers. They will see an error informing them that the product has active purchases and that it cannot be deleted. Instead, creators may wish to delete the listing that the product is contained in.
Do you have another question? Ask us by pressing the button!