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Submit an application if you want to join the Creator Economy!

The page below is only relevant to sellers with access to VRChat's Creator Economy.

Listings allow you to monetize your VRChat world by selling permanent or temporary rewards. Users can unlock new areas of the world, customization options, limited-time benefits, and more.

Listings contain products, which are the rewards users receive for buying your listings. Users keep the rewards until the listing expires, depending on its duration type.

You can choose your listings' visibility. Listings can appear in your world store, or you can use Udon to open a listing's purchase screen directly, even if your store is unpublished.

Listings are similar to subscriptions.

Create a listing

You can create your first listing by following the steps below:

1. Create new listing

Open the My Listings section of your Storefront on to create a listing.

Click "Create Listing" to create your first listing.


After creating your first listing, return to this screen to edit, publish, unpublish, or delete your listings.

Create listing screen on

2. Duration Type

Choose one of the three duration type for your listing:

  • Instant
  • Temporary
  • Permanent

You cannot change the type after creating your listing.

The differences between duration types are explained below.

Choose listing duration on


Instant listings do not have a duration. Instead, you give buyers an immediate reward with Udon. Buyers can purchase the listing as many times as they want.

For example, you could sell:

  • Spawnable items or pickups
  • Short animations that everyone in the instance to see
  • Virtual persistent currency

Only users who are currently in your world can buy instant listings. Otherwise, the purchase screen asks them to visit your world first.


The duration of temporary listings is five minutes to three months. Buyers own the listing until the duration expires, similar to group subscriptions.

For example, you could sell:

  • Access to temporary events, boosts, or season passes
  • Cosmetics or customization options
  • Trials for permanent listings

You choose the duration of a temporary listing by editing its details. Buyers can't purchase the listing again until its duration expires.


The duration of permanent listings is unlimited. Buyers gain lifetime access to the listing.

For example, you could sell:

  • Permanent access to new areas of your world
  • Cosmetics or customization options
  • Unlockable abilities or gimmicks

Buyers can't buy the same permanent listing more than once.

Click "Next" after choosing a duration type.

3. Details

Choose the name, price, and other details of your listing.

  • Add Products: Choose 1 to 10 products.
    • Users own these products until the duration expires.
    • You can add the same products to different listings.
    • Users who look at your listing can see the name, description, and thumbnail of the products.
  • Name: The name of your listing.
  • Description: The description of your listing.
  • Thumbnails: The image representing your listing.
  • Duration: The duration of the listing. (Only appears for temporary listings)
  • Price: The purchase price of your listing in VRChat Credits.

You can change all details later. Take your time to create an eyecatching thumbnail and an accurate description!

Click "Next" after choosing the details. You can edit the details later.

Create listing screen on

4. Visibility

Choose where users can see your listing.

  • Store Availability: Choose the world stores where users can buy this listing.
    • You can add the same listing to multiple world stores.
    • You can create new stores in the store manager.
  • Visibility: Choose whether to save the listing as a draft or publish it immediately.

You can sell listings without selecting a world store. Simply use Store.OpenListing to open your listing with Udon, like in the Open Listing example prefab.

Click "Next" to save your listing. Congratulations!

Create listing screen on

Edit your listing

You can edit the details of your listings on the My Listings page.


You can freely edit all details of your listing, such as its name, description, thumbnail, price, and temporary duration.

You can also change, add, or remove products from your listing. This is helpful if you want to reorganize your store or to give your supporters additional rewards. However, be careful when removing products, as you may accidently remove benefits that your customers expect to own.

You cannot change the duration type of listings after creating them.


Click "Delete" on My Listings to delete a listing. You only delete listings that don't have any owners.

  • Instant listings can always be deleted.
  • Temporary listings can be deleted after you unpublish them and wait for all current owners to expire.
  • Permanent listings cannot be deleted after any user has purchased them.


The visibility of a listing depends on its status. Open My Listings to change the status of your listings:

  • "Published" listings can be purchased by users.
  • "Draft" listings cannot be purchased by users. If users already purchased the listing, they keep it.

After publishing a listing, users can only see it if you added it to a world store or if you have a store inside your world.


To maximize your sales, you should use world stores and add Udon stores to your world!

World stores

  • Users see your world store when looking at your world in VRChat's menu.
  • World stores are easy to create and manage from the Store Manager
  • The world store is visible when users look at your world details in VRChat's menu.
  • Users don't have to be in your world to use your world store.

Udon buttons in your world

  • You can use Udon to create "Buy" buttons or custom stores inside your world.
  • The Open Listing prefab allows you to easily add a "Buy" button that users can press when visiting your world.
  • You can also create "hidden" listings that users can't find in your world store or elsewhere.
  • If you're experienced with Udon, write your Udon scripts with the Store.OpenListing method.


Refunds are processed on a case-by-case basis by VRChat. You cannot directly issue refunds to your buyers. If you need help issuing refunds to buyers of your listings, please contact VRChat.